Friday, February 10, 2006

31. March Parental Notification advisory

Bob and Judy Sekerak gathered over 300 signatures of registered Milton voters in order to have a ballot advisory article put on the March ballot Town Meeting. The select board approved the petition drive (1/06) unanimously.

This is the text of the petition that voters will be able to weigh in on:

Shall our state legislators support legislation that will protect young girls by requiring clinics to notify at least one parent prior to providing a surgical or chemical abortion to their minor daughter, with special provisions to protect girls in abusive situations?

This petition is necessary because the VT state legislature refuses to pass a Parental Notification law--a law that Vermonters are overwhelmingly in favor of.
Rep. Endres and Turner support parental notification.

The Republican candidates for Senate, Rich Tarrant and Greg Parke support parental notification. President Bush supports parental notification.

But we have no support in Congress. Sen. Leahy, Sen. Jeffords, and Rep. Sanders have voted against parental notification. This form of child kidnapping is A-OK with them.

Way to go Milton!

For more information, email : Bob and Judy