121. Vermont Republican Party news
From the new Chariman of the VT GOP, Rob Roper:
I look forward to working with you all in the months to come to reverse the trend we’ve seen in recent house, senate and federal elections. The challenges that face Vermont today – the needs for fiscal responsibility, economic vitality, and to effectively, educate, nurture, and protect our children – are all crying out for sound Republican solutions.
Our leaders are putting forth policies and ideas that we can and should be proud of (capping state spending within our means to pay and “Jessica’s Law” to keep sexual predators off the streets to name just two). These are concepts that rest on solid Republican principles, but transcend party labels in such a way as to reach out and capture the imagination and support of all Vermonters. When they become law, they will make Vermont a better, more affordable -- and just as importantly more desirable -- place for us all to live.
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