Sunday, July 30, 2006

68. Milton Planning Meeting--Aug. 2

Important notice!
Host: Jon Hughes
Location: The Alley Coffee House
Behind McDonalds, Milton, VT
When: Wednesday, August 2, 7:00pm
The Milton Republican Town Committee will meet at The Alley Coffee House on Wednesday, August 2, 2006 at 7:00 PM.

The purpose of this meeting is to plan for our fundraiser for Gov. Douglas at the Eagle's Club on August 14th and an upcoming Milton breakfast. We will also review the voter checklist to identify and contact Milton Republicans.

Beverages and bakery goods will be available for purchase and light refreshments will be served. This is a great chance to get together and support a new Milton business at the same time! Please consider attending this IMPORTANT event and bring a few friends. Chittenden County State Senate candidate John Stewart will also to be in attendance to meet our team. I hope to see you there!

67. Darren Adams of Milton for Vermont Senate

Good news for Milton. Darren Adams is running for the Vermont Senate. His temporary contact information is:
Email Darren

66. John Stewart for Vermont Senate

John Stewart from Jericho Center is officially running for the Vermont Senate. He has launched an excellent website.

Here is his contact information:
P. B. Box 1131, Jericho Center, VT 05465-1131

Photo credit: John Stewart website

Friday, July 21, 2006

65. Milton Food Shelf

The Milton Family Community Center needs food donations all year. Can you help?
Address: 23 Villemaire Lane
Drop off times: M - F, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Phone: 893-1457

Thank you!
Photo: USDA

Thursday, July 20, 2006

64. Gov. Douglas Milton Fund-Raiser

The Milton Republican Town Committee is sponsoring a fund-raiser for Gov. Jim Douglas on Monday, August 14th, at the Eagles Club.
More details later.
Photo: State website, LCI Fishing Derby, Lt. Gov. Brian Dubie and Gov. Douglas

63. Kevin Endres steps down

Kevin Endres has faithfully served Milton for many years as State Representative but he has decided not to run this year.

We understand that Milton Selectboard member Dan FitzGerald will be running instead and we thank him for being willing to be a candidate.

Don Turner
has been doing a wonderful job for Milton and will be running as State Representative as well.
We'll be working hard for these excellent hard-working candidates.
More soon.
Photo: State House, Wikipedia

62. Milton GOP Fund-Raiser Breakfast, Sat. Sept. 16 8:00 AM

MARK THESE DATES: The VT primary elections will be held on Tuesday, September 12th.
Our main fund-raiser will be a healthy breakfast for the public on Saturday, Sept. 16th.
The location is still undecided.
Picture: USDA

61. Cheryl Moomey for Secretary of State

Cheryl Moomy of Essex is running for Secretary of State. Moomey has served as Essex town clerk and treasurer of Essex.

As we have observed, Deb Markowitz directs the Secretary of State office in a partisan manner favoring Democratic causes. Republicans are pleased to know that we now have an excellent candidate to challenge her in November. Contact information will be posted soon.

The BFP published an article on Moomy's first press conference on July 14, 2006.

60. 4th of July pictures

Many thanks to Jon, Tracy, Nikki, Shelby, Micah and Marcus for making the Milton parade a success!
Organizers: Milton Firefighters Association.
Picture source: Jon Hughes

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

59. Greg Burbo for State Representative--Chittenden 1-Grand Isle District

More promising political news! Greg is hoping local voters will contact him for ways to help his campaign. This district includes West Milton voters. More information will be posted later.
Photo: State of VT
Greg Burbo
1366 Lake Road
Milton, Vermont 05468

Email Greg!

802-343-0710 work
802-893-1749 home

58. Agnes Clift for the VT State Senate!

Good news! Agnes needs petitions signed within the next few days. To receive one via email, contact her here: Agnes Signed petitions can be mailed to: 34 Victory Drive, So. Burlington, VT 05406.
More news later...

Photo: Laura Maceyka

Saturday, July 08, 2006

57. Call for help!

From Jon Hughes:

"The general election is November 7, 2006… That’s only four months away, and we have A LOT of work to do. I am writing to ask you to consider volunteering your time and money to support candidates in Chittenden County. It is imperative that we all find a little time to give to the Party. You can contact the Victory Office in Williston (Rick Aseltine at 338-1819 or the office number 876-2990) to make some phone calls, or offer to help your local House candidates."

Contact Jon here:
Jon Hughes
Chittenden County GOP Chairman

56. Dennis Delaney for Vermont Senate

Please visit this new website! Don't miss the About Me section with international photographs.

Photos: Dennis in Mozabique and portrait.
Delaney for VT Senate website