Monday, November 06, 2006

119. November 7th is tomorrow!

Don't forget to vote!

From the Town of Milton website

Polls open on November 7th at 7:00 am and close at 7:00 PM

Milton has 2 polling places – the Municipal Building and the Fire Station. If you are unsure which District you vote in, please call the Town Clerk’s Office prior to Election Day to avoid the inconvenience of going from one district to the other.

Note: you can also access pdf files of the ballots from the above URL.

And God bless America!

118. Tarrant Election Day Celebration Invitation

You are invited--

When: 7:00 pm, Tuesday, November 7th
Where: Doubletree Hotel, 1117 Williston Road,
South Burlington, VT

"It's not about the next election;

it's about the next generation."
Rich Tarrant

Saturday, November 04, 2006

117. Election Night GOP Victory Party in Montpelier

You are invited--

When: Tuesday, Nov. 7 at 7:00 p. m.
Where: Capital Plaza Hotel, 100 State Street, Montpelier--Governor's Ballroom

116. Our soldiers respond to John Kerry

This photo has been making the Internet rounds. Source: unknown.

115. The last Tarrant/Sanders debate--This Sunday

From Doug--
Please come and join us for our debate rally and party!

Vermont Public Television 'Super Sunday' Debate
Sunday, November 5th
5:00pm - Debate rally in front of the VPT studio. Come and join us to support Rich!
6:00pm - Debate start. We'll have a viewing party at Donny's NY Pizza in Winooski!
VPT Colchester Studio, 204 Ethan Allen Park