Thursday, September 28, 2006

99. Sanders tries to dupe the public with TV ad

In a press release (9/27), the Tarrant campaign has called on Sanders to stop running a deceptive ad.
Tarrant Campaign to Sanders: Stop Using Dubilier to Dupe Public and Pull Ad

The Tarrant for Senate campaign today called on Congressman Bernie Sanders to pull his deceptive ad immediately.

At a press conference on Saturday at the former site of York Capacitor in Winooski, Congressman Sanders condemned outsourcing and announced that he would introduce legislation to outlaw tax breaks for firms that export jobs to countries where labor is cheap and benefits minimal.

He also unveiled a new television ad that features individuals who have lost their jobs after they were moved to another country.

Here's what the ad says:

"Bernie is known as a protector of the worker and the way he goes about doing that is protecting the businesses that are employing those workers."

Mathias Dubilier
Owner, Winooski Manufacturing Company

Here's what the ad doesn't tell you:

Mathias Dubilier is not just the owner of the Winooski Manufacturing Company. In fact, he did just what Congressman Sanders condemns business owners for doing: he outsourced jobs

Here are the facts:

Who is Mathias Dubilier?
• Until February 2004 Mathias Dubilier was the owner of York Capacitor
• In 2004 Mathias Dubilier sold York Capacitor to CDE

What did CDE do after it bought York Capacitor from Mathias Dubilier?
• Just what Mathias Dubilier told the workers at York Capacitor it would do: move their jobs to Mexicali, Mexico
• "When Mathias Dubilier sold York in February 2004, he told employees that the new owner, CDE, would close the Winooski plant and move operations to Mexicali, Mexico..." (Burlington Free Press, March 31, 2005)

Who is CDE
• CDE is short for Cornell Dubilier Electronics -- yes, the same Dubilier family
• Cornell Dubilier Electronics is a South Carolina based company that has a manufacturing plant located in Mexicali, Mexico

"The Sanders ad features an outsourcer disguised as a victim of outsourcing. You can't profit by selling your business to another member of your family while at the same time knowing full well that the jobs will be moved to Mexico and then cry foul," said Tarrant campaign manager Tim Lennon.

"Congressman Sanders should stop running this deceptive and fraudulent ad immediately," Lennon continued.

Monday, September 25, 2006

98. The Milton Independent is online!

Miltonites look forward to receiving the Milton Independent each week. They now publish an online version of the paper. You can send your letters to the editor via the email links they provide online.

Photo: Milton roadside wild asters, LSM

97. Fund-raiser for Randy Brock

Last minute posting.
• Tuesday, September 26, 2006: Reception at Fred Peet’s house for Auditor Randy Brock. $25/ person donation. Please contact Darcie Johnston at 229-6107 or via e-mail at to RSVP.

Randy is doing a great job as State Auditor.

96. Dennis Carver Press Conference--Today

Dennis Carver is running for Attorney General.

Monday, September 25, 2006 1pm
Statehouse, Room 10.

Photo: State House, from Morgue photo ID # 40694

95. Tarrant/Sanders debate 9/30

The U. S. Senate candidates, Rich Tarrant and Bernie Sanders will meet at the IDX Student Life Center at Champlain College for a foreign affairs debate this Saturday at 7 p. m. The Tarrant campaign is requesting supporters to come to the college and wave signs prior to the debate beginning at 5:45 p. m. Tarrant T-shirts are available at the headquarters.

We believe that the tickets for this event are spoken for but you can check with Doug Isham for cancellations and further information.
Phone: Douglas Isham
(802)857-0491 x 11
Photo: Rich touring Husky Injection Molding Systems, Milton. Tarrant for Senate website

Sunday, September 24, 2006

94. Gov. Douglas was in Milton 9/16

Gov. Douglas made a stop in Milton last Sunday to see the elementary school clean-up efforts. Prior to that, he made a visit to Milton Diner and Alley Coffee House with Don Turner. Dan Fitzgerald was unable to attend.
Photo: Don Turner and John Hughes--Alley Coffee House. LSM

93. The VT Republican 2006 Platform Convention

The convention was held this past Saturday, Sept. 23 in Montpelier. No changes were made to the proposed platform. Attendance was not good according to some observers.
There was some prior confusion about who could vote on the platform. The text of the platform will be posted soon.

For future reference, the following people can vote on the Platform:
All State Committee Members (not alternates), County Committee delegates (not alternates), chairmen of town committees, and candidates who won the primary.

92. John St. Francis for State's Attorney

Just two quick links for John:

Note: John attended a CCRM meeting in Milton in February. See posts #27 and 28 (archived in February).

91. Lt. Gov. Brian Dubie

As many of you know, Brian was deployed to Iraq recently as a member of the U. S. Air Force Reserve.

He will be back soon. In the meantime, we can help him this week by helping out with the following effort:

Lt. Governor Brian Dubie is in the middle of a spirited re-election campaign and can use your support to make it successful.
You can help the Lt. Governor by volunteering a few hours this week to help with our voter-turnout program. The way to ensure the Lt. Governor's re-election is to make sure his supporters get to the polls on Election Day.

Your participation this week will go a long way to helping Lt. Governor Brian Dubie win re-election.

CHITTENDEN COUNTY (anytime Noon-8pm)
Chris MacDonald
72 Helena Drive, Suite 210
Williston, VT 05495

90. Local Primary Day results

The state has posted the official vote tallies from the Primary in Excel format.

Our local GOP candidates received the following votes:
NOTE: W = winner
Chittenden-9 296 (W) DANIEL I. FITZGERALD
Chittenden-9 359 (W) DONALD H. TURNER, JR.
Grand Isle-Chittenden-1 188 GREGORY BURBO Burbo, Gregory
Grand Isle-Chittenden-1 482 (W) MICHAEL W. GUERNSEY
Grand Isle-Chittenden-1 410 (W) HARDY MACHIA

Chittenden Senate 3481 (W) DARREN ADAMS
Chittenden Senate 3891 (W) AGNES R. CLIFT
Chittenden Senate 5244 (W) J. DENNIS DELANEY
Chittenden Senate 3025 CHUCK FURTADO
Chittenden Senate 4415 (W) ROBERT SIMS
Chittenden Senate 5140 (W) DIANE SNELLING
Chittenden Senate 4478 (W) JOHN C. STEWART

Note: Because Darren Adams has joined the U. S. Marines, Chuck Furtado was selected to replace him on the General Election ballot. See Post # 76 in the August posts for information about Chuck.

Thanks to everyone for being willing to run for elected office.
Photo: AP/USA Today via Google
For those who don't have access to Excel software, I've uploaded the election results to this online spreadsheet--experimentally.

Monday, September 11, 2006

89. GOP Primary Day is tomorrow!

Don't forget to vote folks.

Two notes from Jon:
1. Write in Paul McCaffrey of Burlington for the position of High Bailiff. You need to spell the name correctly and include his home town of Burlington.
2. Please remember that Darren Adams of Milton will not accept the nomination for State Senate if he wins.

88. Remembering 9/11

Today in Milton, our Fire Department displayed a large flag in the center of town in memory of the victims of 9/11. Thank you.

CNN has put up a special memorial and tribute website online for those who died. The page also links to the original 2001 coverage of this tragic event as well.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

87. Fly the Flag program on 9/11

We received this in a recent email:
On Monday, September 11th, 2006, an American flag should be displayed outside every home, apartment, office, and store in the United States.
Every individual should make it their duty to display an American flag
on this fifth anniversary of our country's worst tragedy. We do this in
honor of those who lost their lives on 9/11, their families, friends and
loved ones who continue to endure the pain, and those who today are fighting at home and abroad to preserve our cherished freedoms.

86. Karen Kerin for Attorney General website

Karen Kerin is actively campaigning for Vermont Attorney General. To receive information, please visit:

85. Greg Burbo--flyer available

Please contact Greg Burbo, candidate for state representative (West Milton-Grand Isle), has developed a little flyer about himself. To receive it via email please contact him:">Email Greg!

84. Tarrant Supporters--Invitation

Primary Victory Party

WHEN: Tuesday, September 12, 2006
7:00 PM – until results are in

WHERE: Tarrant for Senate Headquarters
Hercules Drive, Colchester

To RSVP Call 800-205-1928

83. Bernie's Record

The Tarrant for Senate campaign has been informing the public about some of Rep. Bernie Sander's bad votes on key issues on television and online. In case you've missed them, do check out:

82. Chittenden Co. GOP VT Senate candidate update

Darren Adams of Milton has decided to serve our country in the U. S. Marines and will not be running for the VT Senate. His name will be on the primary ballot however. Best wishes to Darren!

The GOP candidates are:

Agnes Clift of South Burlington
Dennis Delaney of Charlotte
Chuck Furtado of Milton
Robert Sims of Essex
Diane Snelling of Hinesburg
John Stewart of Jericho
Photo: Bolton farm, UVM website

81. 2006 Platform Convention

The Vermont Republican Party 2006 Platform Convention will be held on Saturday, September 23, 2006 at 9:00 a.m. at the Montpelier Elks Club. (Use the Rand McNally button in the right sidebar for directions.)

All proposed amendments to the platform as adopted by the Platform Committee must be received by the headquarters in Montpelier by Monday, September 18.

Please contact the VT GOP for information (link--right sidebar).