Saturday, December 29, 2007

136. Get our RSS weblogs feeds delivered by e-mail

It's going to be a busy political year. Free digital tools can help us communicate and organize. There are two ways to subscribe to our feeds from our weblog.
RSS FWD an easy service to use because our new posts are delivered into your email inbox. There is no registration. Just click the orange button in the right menu and enter you email address.
Or subscribe in 2 steps:
To subscribe to a regular feed with Feedburner, click the "subscribe" text in the right menu.

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135. Vermonters for Huckabee for President 2008 Meet-up Group

Message from Dick Gray

"If anyone is interested in promoting Governor Mike Huckabee’s campaign this election year in Vermont, he or she is invited to join our group. There is much work to be done before the Vermont Primary on March 4th, so we welcome all who wish to participate."

Please take a look at our website at:

Dick Gray - Organizer
Vermont Likes Mike Huckabee for President 2008 Meetup Group


134. VT GOP E-Newsletter

The new year brings a new opportunity to have an impact on the future of our state. We need to work very hard to elect candidates who will work to reduce taxes on citizens and businesses. One way to accomplish this is to stay informed through the VT GOP E-Newsletter.

Have you signed up for the VT GOP E-Newsletter yet?


Town Chair


Friday, December 28, 2007

133. The Snelling Center for Government Survey

The Snelling Center for Government (at UVM) requests your participation in an online survey:
Are you in favor of a constitutional amendment expanding the term for governor from 2 years to 4 years?

Suggested reading on this topic: LIVIN' The Vermont Way magazine,
September/October 2007
Opposed: Paul Cook
In Favor: Jeb Spaulding and William Doyle

(Article is not online. Check your public library

To view a YouTube video introduction to the Snelling Center, visit:

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132. Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!

We would like to wish the everyone in Milton, and beyond, Happy Holidays and a very Happy New Year!   

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