Tuesday, February 28, 2006

41. Burlington GOP website

This in from Jon Hughes--Burlington needs volunteers to help Kevin Curley and the other Rs running for office this Saturday.

Contact Alden Guptill at 802.223.3411 or Alden

Picture: Lake Champlain, EPA

Sunday, February 26, 2006

40. Sign up for MRTC email news today!

We have enrolled in a new email newsletter service. The sign up box is under the MRTC profile names in the right sidebar. (This is still in beta mode.)

Please forward our emails to your friends regardless of their political affiliation! Vermont is a state of independent thinkers and we are all concerned about the common good of American citizens.

Donations to benefit the 2006 civic and political activities of the MRTC only may be mailed to MRTC, c/o Steve Nelson, Treasurer, 929 Lake Road, Milton, VT 05468.
Thank you.

39. The Martha Rainville for Congress site is up

Martha Rainville's website can be accessed here:

Contact information:
P. O. Box 505
Williston, VT 05495-9962

You can sign up for email alerts on the homepage.

Saturday, February 25, 2006

38. Letter from Gen. Rainville defending our Air National Guard

This just in from Mary Mazur. Please read this letter.
My Turn: Stand with the National Guard

February 24, 2006



Picture: F16s refueling, www.vt.ang.af.mil

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

37. A special thanks to Kurt Wright and Alan Parent

Alan and Kurt did a great job putting a petition online during the Cashman crisis so that citizens could express their utter frustration with the poor treatment of a child. The petition is still online so if you haven't signed it, it's not too late. There are 2493 signatures online as of tonight.

Also Wendy Wilton (R-Rutland) made several appearances with Bill O'Reilly on Fox News in defense of the little girl who was victimized.

Good job everyone who helped defend this child in the media.

36. You are invited to a fundraising reception for Martha Rainville

I just received this but do call if you can attend:

Fred Peet will be holding a fundraising reception for Gen. Martha Rainville at his home this Thursday, February 23 from 5:30-7:30. His address is 19 Pinnacle Drive in South Burlington. Guests can RSVP to 878-9682, but it is not required. There is a suggested $50 contribution per person for this event.

Also from Jon--Burlington needs help! Please call him 324-4607 or contact Alden Guptill at aguptill@vtgop.org to help with the Mayorial campaign.

And call him with your event ideas!

35. You're invited to the Tarrant for Senate spaghetti dinner and good conversation

The complimentary spaghetti dinner will be held on Thursday, March 9, from 6:00-7:30 p.m. at Milton High School. All members of the community are warmly invited to attend regardless of party affiliation. This is a chance for you to ask your questions and express your concerns. Rich will be touring Husky before the dinner which will give him an even better idea of how Milton is growing.

This is a family event and friends from other towns can attend. If you can attend, RSVP at this number: 800-204-1928. Or Email Bryan

Picture credit: Tarrant campaign, Colchester dinner event

Friday, February 17, 2006

34. We're invited--

An announcement from Eileen Haupt. We're invited to an event sponsored by the Jericho and Underhill Republican Town committees called "Consumer-Driven Health Care" by Frank Mazur.

Tuesday, Feb. 21, 7:00 - 9:00 pm at Browns River Middle School, Home Economics room.

33. New weblog published by Republican Agnes Clift on the Parental Notification petition drive in South Burlington

This site gives some interesting background information about the situation in South Burlington. The site also provides a link to a BFP article about Milton's successful parental notifcation petition effort.

We'll see what Milton voters have to say about the subject on Town Meeting Day, March 7, 2006.


Monday, February 13, 2006

32. Town Manager's Budget reports and Town Meeting information is available online

Because the URLs are long, go to the Milton home page. On left menu, go to
Annual Town Meeting Information.


The annual meeting warnings includes the text for the parental notification advisory in Article X as mentioned in the previous post. The pdf file is somewhat hard to read.

The FY 2007 budget includes spending and tax increases.

Milton's town manager is Stanford I. Miller:

Friday, February 10, 2006

31. March Parental Notification advisory

Bob and Judy Sekerak gathered over 300 signatures of registered Milton voters in order to have a ballot advisory article put on the March ballot Town Meeting. The select board approved the petition drive (1/06) unanimously.

This is the text of the petition that voters will be able to weigh in on:

Shall our state legislators support legislation that will protect young girls by requiring clinics to notify at least one parent prior to providing a surgical or chemical abortion to their minor daughter, with special provisions to protect girls in abusive situations?

This petition is necessary because the VT state legislature refuses to pass a Parental Notification law--a law that Vermonters are overwhelmingly in favor of.
Rep. Endres and Turner support parental notification.

The Republican candidates for Senate, Rich Tarrant and Greg Parke support parental notification. President Bush supports parental notification.

But we have no support in Congress. Sen. Leahy, Sen. Jeffords, and Rep. Sanders have voted against parental notification. This form of child kidnapping is A-OK with them.

Way to go Milton!

For more information, email : Bob and Judy

30. Tarrant campaign TV ads

In case you haven't seen the Tarrant for Senate TV spots, you can see one here.


Thursday, February 09, 2006

29.. Milton 1870--The way we were

This image is from the UVM Landscape Change Program online archive.

You can see the United Church of Milton steeple in the upper center of the photograph. The two-story brick building in the center houses a bar.


Monday, February 06, 2006

28. A few more pictures 1/25/06

Saturday, February 04, 2006

27. Rep. Don Turner welcomed at the CCRM meeting

Rep. Don Turner
was welcomed at the Chittenden County Republican meeting on January 25, 2006. The meeting was held in the Milton High School library. Rep. Dave Sunderland (R-Rutland), the Assistant Republican Leader in the Vermont House of Representatives (2005-2006 session) and John St. Francis, Deputy States's Attorney, Chittenden County joined us.
The conversation centered around crime and the Judge Cashman controversy for over an hour.
Rep. Kevin Endres talked about the truancy bill. He also announced that H. 705, the Vermont Kids' Home Library incentive, had been introduced in the House. The bill, first proposed by Laura Maceyka, is currently in the Ways and Means Committee.
For futher information, see: http://kidshomelibrarybill.wordpress.com/